
How to Create SBOM with Xygeni

Understanding how to create SBOMs is crucial for anyone in software development and security. An SBOM provides a clear inventory of every component in your software, including versions, dependencies, and patches. With this insight, you can boost SBOM security by identifying vulnerabilities early, managing risks in your software supply chain, and staying compliant with regulations. Using the right SBOM generation tools makes this process faster and easier, keeping your software secure and ready for any challenge.

Unpacking the SBOM: The Key to Effective SBOM Generation

At its core, an SBOM offers a complete view of the software ecosystem. It reveals each component’s version, patch status, and dependencies. This transparency is key to security. For example, spotting an outdated or vulnerable component through the SBOM helps you decide on updates or replacements quickly. This strengthens your software’s security posture.

The Importance of SBOMs for Risk, Supply Chain, and Compliance

  • Risk Assessment and Management: SBOMs outline every software component. This helps stakeholders identify risks and create effective strategies to mitigate them.

  • Supply Chain Management: SBOMs are essential for monitoring the software supply chain. They also improve collaboration between internal teams and external vendors.

  • Regulatory Compliance: As regulations grow stricter, SBOMs ensure your software meets industry standards and legal requirements.

Navigating SBOM Challenges: Standardization and Automation Issues

Despite their benefits, SBOMs face challenges. The lack of standardization across the industry is a major hurdle. It makes it hard to compare and interpret SBOM data consistently. Collecting accurate information from third-party vendors can also be difficult. Issues with automation and interoperability further complicate the seamless integration of SBOMs into current workflows.

However, the future of SBOMs looks promising. Technological advancements are helping resolve these challenges. Both industry and government are showing greater interest in SBOMs. As their importance in software security and compliance grows, solutions to issues like standardization and interoperability are becoming a priority. SBOMs are poised to become a cornerstone of digital security strategies.

Elevating Software Security with SBOM: A Necessity

In today’s software development world, the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is essential for security, transparency, and compliance. Software now drives critical infrastructure and business operations. As a result, SBOMs play a pivotal role in ensuring the security and integrity of software applications. This post explores the essence of SBOMs and their vital role in the software development lifecycle. We also cover their key benefits.

Unveiling the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

An SBOM is more than just a list. It’s a complete record of every software system component, including open-source libraries, proprietary code, and commercial software. An SBOM provides a clear view of the software’s anatomy. It reveals each component’s version, dependencies, and security compliance. Unlike simple inventory lists, SBOMs offer a detailed look into the software supply chain. They allow stakeholders to track dependencies and their relationships with precision.

The Imperative Need for SBOM in Security

As the digital ecosystem grows, software vulnerabilities are increasing. Security breaches have become more common, with cyberattacks targeting weak points in software. Incidents like the Log4j vulnerability highlight the risks of ignoring software supply chain security. Recognizing this, regulatory bodies and industry leaders are calling for widespread SBOM adoption. U.S. agencies like CISA and NTIA are pushing for mandatory SBOM creation and management to enhance software security.

The Multifold Benefits of SBOM in Security

Equipping your software with an SBOM is like having a blueprint for a building. It lets you understand the structure and integrity of your software. Here are the key benefits of implementing SBOMs:

1. Enhanced Supply Chain Security with SBOMs

An SBOM offers a complete view of the software supply chain. It allows organizations to identify vulnerabilities in third-party components and strengthen their digital ecosystems against potential threats.

2. Streamlined Vulnerability Management with SBOMs

SBOMs are critical for vulnerability management. They provide component-specific details, including known vulnerabilities. This helps organizations quickly identify and fix security issues, reducing the risk of exploitation.

3. Efficient Software Asset Management via SBOMs

Beyond security, SBOMs improve software asset management. They help track licenses, software usage, and compliance with agreements. This leads to better procurement decisions and cost management.

4. Improved Incident Response with SBOMs

After a security incident, SBOMs provide valuable information about affected components. This allows organizations to assess the impact, identify vulnerable systems, and accelerate remediation efforts.

5. Boosted Trust and Competitive Edge through SBOM Security

Transparency offered by SBOMs builds trust with customers, partners, and regulators. It shows an organization’s commitment to security, helping differentiate it in a competitive market.

Embracing SBOM Security: A Path to Secure Software Development

As the software industry evolves, integrating robust security measures is essential. SBOMs are a key tool in this effort. They enhance supply chain security, streamline vulnerability management, and ensure regulatory compliance. Adopting SBOM generation tools signals a commitment to security, transparency, and resilience. In a highly interconnected digital ecosystem, SBOMs help secure software and build a stronger foundation for the future.

Understanding SBOM Formats

The Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) has emerged as an indispensable tool for enhanced application security and regulatory compliance. Offering clarity on the myriad components that constitute software, SBOMs have revolutionized how companies approach software transparency. Crucially, they have standardized the documentation process through specific formats, significantly reducing inconsistencies in manual record-keeping. SPDX and CycloneDX stand out among the available formats, each with unique strengths tailored to different organizational needs.

SPDX: The Comprehensive Choice for Large Enterprises

Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) is a robust open standard developed under the Linux Foundation’s guidance. It excels in cataloging software components, licenses, security references, and other critical metadata to enhance license compliance. However, its utility extends far beyond, facilitating greater transparency and security across the software supply chain.

SPDX’s machine-readable format boasts consistency across industries, eliminating the need to reformat data and simplifying sharing. This feature is particularly beneficial for compliance and security efficiency. With ISO accreditation, SPDX is a heavyweight in the realm of SBOM formats, favored by major corporations like Intel and Microsoft. It suits entities deeply integrated with Linux, open-source projects, and commercial software development.

  • Strengths: SPDX’s detailed approach offers a comprehensive view of the software supply chain, from package to file-level data. Its extensive capacity for annotations ensures a thorough documentation process, making it an all-encompassing choice.
  • Weaknesses: The format’s detailed and expansive nature might be overwhelming for smaller organizations or projects where simplicity and agility are prioritized.

CycloneDX: A Lightweight Alternative for Agile Teams

CycloneDX, birthed by the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP), presents a lighter alternative to SPDX. Despite their similarities, CycloneDX distinguishes itself by reducing cyber risk across the entire stack, supporting various BOM types, including SBOM, SaaSBOM, HBOM, OBOM, VDR, and VEX. It offers standards in XML, JSON, and protocol buffers, backed by many tools for creation and interoperability, under the stewardship of the CycloneDX Core Working Group.

  • Strengths: Its agility and simplified detail level make CycloneDX user-friendly and highly adaptable, ideal for quick-paced environments.
  • Weaknesses: The trade-off for its lighter weight is less inclusivity, potentially omitting details that could be crucial for some organizations.

Choosing the Right SBOM Format for Your Organization

Deciding between SPDX and CycloneDX hinges on assessing your organization’s size, complexity, and specific needs. For large enterprises seeking a thorough documentation process, SPDX offers an unparalleled depth of detail. Conversely, CycloneDX provides an efficient and agile solution for organizations valuing speed and simplicity.

Vulnerability Disclosure Reports (VDR) in Software Security

Implementing Vulnerability Disclosure Reports (VDR) is a cornerstone practice for enhancing software transparency and safeguarding against potential threats in software development and cybersecurity. With the increasing complexity of software supply chains and the escalating sophistication of cyber threats, VDRs offer a systematic approach to identifying, documenting, and addressing vulnerabilities within software products.

Understanding Vulnerability Disclosure Reports (VDR)

A Vulnerability Disclosure Report (VDR) is an in-depth documentation that provides a comprehensive overview of all known vulnerabilities affecting a product or its dependencies. It extends beyond mere listing to include an analysis of these vulnerabilities’ impact on the product and delineating plans for addressing identified vulnerabilities. The essence of a VDR lies in its ability to offer a clear, concise, and actionable report that aids in proactively managing software vulnerabilities.

The Importance of VDR in Software Security
  • Enhanced Transparency: VDRs serve as a testament to a software vendor’s commitment to transparency, providing end users and stakeholders with a clear understanding of the security posture of their software products.
  • Proactive Vulnerability Management: By detailing vulnerabilities and their potential impacts, VDRs enable organizations to take preemptive actions to mitigate risks before malicious actors can exploit them.
  • Compliance and Trust: VDRs contribute to compliance efforts by systematically documenting vulnerabilities and remediation steps in industries regulated by stringent cybersecurity standards. This, in turn, fosters trust among customers and partners.
  • Streamlined Remediation Process: With VDRs, software vendors can offer insights into planned or completed remediation efforts, facilitating the vulnerability management process and ensuring timely responses to potential threats.
Operationalizing VDR: Best Practices

To maximize the effectiveness of Vulnerability Disclosure Reports, software vendors and organizations should consider the following best practices:

  • Timely and Regular Updates: VDRs should be updated regularly and in response to discovering new vulnerabilities to ensure they accurately reflect the current security landscape of the software product.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: A VDR should encompass all known vulnerabilities, regardless of their source, internal findings, third-party disclosures, or public vulnerability databases.
  • Clear Communication: The information within a VDR should be presented in a clear, understandable manner, making it accessible to all relevant stakeholders, including non-technical audiences.
  • Secure and Accessible Distribution: Ensure VDRs are securely distributed to stakeholders while maintaining accessibility. Use secure portals or encrypted communications to share these reports with the intended audience.
The Future of VDR in Software Security

As software ecosystems continue to evolve, the role of Vulnerability Disclosure Reports will undoubtedly expand. Integrating VDRs into software development and cybersecurity practices is not merely a trend but a necessity in the face of growing digital threats. By adopting VDRs, organizations can mitigate risks and demonstrate a solid commitment to software security, building trust with users and stakeholders.

Create SBOMs Securely with Xygeni WebUI

Xygeni stands out in the software development and cybersecurity landscape for its robust SBOM generation tools, offering SBOM security in CycloneDX and SPDX formats alongside integrated Vulnerability Disclosure Reports (VDR).

Xygeni provides a user-friendly Web User Interface (WebUI) to create SBOMs effortlessly, catering to users who prefer a graphical interface over command-line tools. This chapter will guide you through generating an SBOM using Xygeni’s WebUI, from login to download.

Step 1. Logging Into Xygeni WebUI:

Access Xygeni’s WebUI through your browser. You can log in using your standard user credentials (username and password) or opt for a 3rd party validator for added convenience. You must also authenticate if you have two-factor authentication (2FA) configured for your account. This initial step ensures your access is secure and personalized to your specific projects and preferences.

Step 2. Selecting Your Project

Once logged in, you’ll be presented with the dashboard with a project selector or a list of your projects. Navigate through this list and click on the project name for which you want to generate an SBOM. This action will give you a detailed view of that project, where you can manage and inspect various aspects of your software’s components and dependencies.


Step 3. Downloading the SBOM

Within the project details page, look for an option labeled “Download SBOM” that indicates the generation and downloading of an SBOM. Upon finding it, click to select the desired format for your SBOM. Xygeni supports multiple formats for SBOMs, including widely recognized standards such as CycloneDX and SPDX. After choosing the format, the platform will generate the SBOM file. Once the generation process is complete, you’ll be prompted to download the file to your local system. This file encapsulates all the necessary information about your software’s components in the selected format, ready for compliance, security, or audit needs.


Step 4. Accessing SBOM from the Inventory Section

Alternatively, you can access the SBOM generation feature directly from the inventory section of your project. This section provides a comprehensive view of all software components associated with your project. Look for a slide-out associated with each project in the inventory list that offers additional actions. You can generate and download the SBOM for the respective project among these options. This method provides a quick and efficient way to navigate directly to the SBOM generation feature without going through the project details page.


Following these simple steps, you can quickly produce a detailed bill of materials that meets your compliance and security requirements. Whether managing a single project or overseeing multiple software endeavors, Xygeni’s WebUI provides a seamless and intuitive interface to support your SBOM generation needs.

Create SBOM with Xygeni 

This chapter will walk you through the installation process of the Xygeni scanner, setting it up, and using it as one of your SBOM generation tools. You’ll learn how to create SBOMs and generate SBOM security and VDR reports, ensuring your projects are secure, compliant, and transparent.

Installation of Xygeni Scanner

Before diving into the SBOM generation, ensure you have met all prerequisites for the Xygeni scanner. You will need an API token, which should be stored in the XYGENI_TOKEN environment variable for the installation process.

Step 1. Dowload and verify the installation script 

Step 2. Run the Installation Script

Setting Up Quick Access to Xygeni Scanner

To facilitate easy access to the Xygeni scanner, consider adding it to your PATH or setting an alias. This allows you to run the scanner with just the xygeni command.

Generating SBOMs with VDR Reports

With Xygeni CLI installed and accessible, you can now generate SBOMs that include VDR reports. Xygeni supports generating SBOMs in CycloneDX and SPDX formats, ensuring you can choose the format that best fits your project’s needs and compliance requirements.

Step 3. Navigate to Your Project Directory:

Ensure you’re in the root directory of your project, where your software components are defined.

Step 4. Generate the SBOM:

To generate an SBOM, use the xygeni command followed by the options for specifying the SBOM format and output file. Xygeni automatically integrates VDR reports into the generated SBOM.


Replace cyclonedx with spdx if you prefer the SPDX format.

Generating an SBOM with integrated VDR reports using Xygeni CLI is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the security and transparency of your software projects. Following these steps ensures that your project adheres to the best software supply chain security practices, providing detailed insights into the components and their vulnerabilities.

Integrating SBOM Generation into CI/CD Pipelines Using Xygeni

The ability to automatically generate Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) during the CI/CD process is critical to enhancing software transparency and security. Xygeni, a comprehensive tool for SBOM generation, seamlessly integrates into CI/CD pipelines, providing detailed insights into software components at every build. This guide outlines the process of automating SBOM generation with Xygeni within CI/CD pipelines, ensuring your software builds are efficient and secure.

Automating SBOM Generation

Automating SBOM generation is vital to operationalizing SBOMs in your CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that each software build automatically creates an SBOM. Xygeni supports this functionality, allowing for the insertion of SBOM generation tasks within the CI/CD process. It ensures that any changes in the software can be analyzed and security issues can be identified and remediated at the earliest possible stage.

Where to Run Xygeni to Create SBOM:

  • CI/CD Pipelines: The most common integration point, where Xygeni scans are added as part of security testing steps.
  • Build Automation Tools: Run Xygeni scans via the command-line interface in build files executed by build automation tools.

Which Pipelines to Monitor:

Perform full scans during nightly or weekly scheduled builds, including inventory and compliance scans.

  • For frequently triggered pipelines, such as those on push or merge request events, run a subset of scans focusing on secrets, code tamper, or open source components, depending on the project’s ecosystem.
  • In CD pipelines or any pipeline, including resource provisioning or IaC templates, run the IaC scan to address security in Dockerfiles, Kubernetes manifests, Helm charts, and similar configurations.

Configuring Scans

For a comprehensive SBOM, the scan command is recommended, with the ability to exclude specific scans using the –skip option. For example, use –-skip iac if your project doesn’t contain IaC templates.

SBOM Generation: To generate an SBOM for downstream software, include SBOM-related options like –sbom and –sbom-format in your scan command. This SBOM can then be distributed to third parties as needed.

Installing Xygeni into Target Pipelines

To integrate Xygeni into your CI/CD pipelines

  • Identify the appropriate points in your CI/CD system for SBOM generation.
  • Edit the pipeline/workflow files to include Xygeni scan commands at the desired stages.
  • Ensure changes to pipeline configurations follow your organization’s process for modifying critical files.

By integrating Xygeni into CI/CD pipelines, organizations can automate the generation of SBOMs, ensuring a detailed inventory of its components accompanies every build. It not only aids in meeting compliance requirements but also significantly improves the security posture of software products.

Key Takeaways: Mastering SBOM Security and Generation with Xygeni

The journey through SBOM security and SBOM generation with Xygeni reveals a path toward enhanced software security, transparency, and compliance. From understanding the importance of SBOMs to implementing automated SBOM generation tools in CI/CD pipelines, this process reflects the evolving landscape of software development. Here are some key takeaways:

The Vital Role of SBOMs

  • Comprehensive Inventory: SBOMs are more than simple lists. They provide detailed inventories of every software component, including open-source libraries, proprietary code, and commercial software. This detail is crucial for risk assessment, supply chain management, and regulatory compliance.
  • Enhanced Security Posture: SBOMs offer a clear view of the software ecosystem, enabling stakeholders to identify outdated or vulnerable components quickly. This significantly strengthens your software’s security posture.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Standardization: One challenge is the lack of standardization in SBOM formats and data, making it hard to compare and interpret SBOMs. Tools like Xygeni support widely accepted formats like CycloneDX and SPDX, providing flexibility and interoperability.
  • Operationalizing SBOMs: Xygeni helps automate SBOM generation within CI/CD pipelines, addressing automation and interoperability challenges. This ensures that SBOMs are generated automatically with each software build, enhancing security and transparency in your CI/CD practices.

Xygeni: An SSC Solution and SBOM Generation Tool

  • Ease of Use: Whether through its CLI or WebUI, Xygeni offers a user-friendly platform for creating SBOMs. This makes it accessible to both developers and security professionals.
  • Integration into CI/CD Pipelines: Xygeni integrates smoothly into CI/CD pipelines, automating SBOM generation and enabling real-time risk assessment and vulnerability management.

Strategic Implementation

  • Choosing the Right Integration Points: Identifying where to run Xygeni scans within CI/CD pipelines is crucial. Whether in Git hooks, CI/CD pipelines directly, or build files, Xygeni adapts to your project’s needs.
  • Comprehensive Scans: Xygeni offers flexibility for performing full or partial scans, including security gate scans. This ensures a thorough analysis of your software components for scheduled builds and event-triggered pipelines.

As the digital ecosystem evolves, the role of SBOMs in software development becomes even more critical. Tools like Xygeni lead this evolution by providing solutions that meet the growing demands for SBOM security and compliance. Embracing SBOM generation with Xygeni reflects a commitment to building secure, transparent, and compliant software products, a cornerstone for earning trust in the digital age.

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