
Top 5 IAC Tools for Security

 What Is Infrastructure as Code Security (IaC Security)?

Infrastructure as Code Security (IaC Security) englobes practices, tools, and methodologies designed to protect the infrastructure defined by code. As organizations started to depend on cloud environments increasingly, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become vital for resource deployment and management. However, as you know, without robust security measures, IaC can result in unparalleled risks: misconfigurations, unpatched vulnerabilities, and compliance issues can potentially jeopardize an organization’s entire cloud infrastructure.

IaC security makes sure that all assets, from servers to networks, are provisioned with secure configurations and comply with all the established security policies. This proactive approach allows DevSecOps teams to incorporate security earlier in the CI/CD pipeline, thus making it a crucial element of contemporary software development and deployment.

Learn more about Infrastructure as Code Security!

The Importance of IaC Security

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is transforming how organizations manage and provision their IT infrastructure. By using code to define and deploy resources, companies can achieve automation, scalability, and consistency. However, with this transition, some challenges inevitably arise.

As it cannot be in another way, with this shift a new set of security challenges can appear. Infrastructure misconfigurations, inadequate compliance checks, and vulnerabilities within cloud environments are just a few of the risks posed by poor IaC practices. Ensuring secure IaC is critical in order to maintain a robust cybersecurity posture, particularly in dynamic cloud-native environments.

In this article, we will explore some of the best IaC tools for security available in the market today. These IaC tools are going to help DevSecOps teams to automate its security checks, enforce policies, and manage compliance across their IaC workflows. Each IaC tool on this list offers unique capabilities that address key vulnerabilities inherent to IaC practices.

Some Benefits of Security IaC Tools 

As we have said before, the growing reliance on cloud-based environments has exponentially increased the attack surface of almost all organizations. From unintentional misconfigurations to hidden vulnerabilities, the risks of neglecting IaC security are significant. Infrastructure as Code tools focused on security, are essential for mitigating these risks by enabling:

1. Automated Security: IaC security tools can automatically detect and remediate misconfigurations before they reach production environments, ensuring in that way secure deployment practices.

2. Shift-Left Security: they usually integrate security checks into the early stages of the development. Due to that, they reduce the cost and complexity of fixing vulnerabilities down the line.

3. Compliance Assurance: some of the IaC tools that we will present you with offer features that help organizations stay compliant with industry standards such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR.

4. Consistency Across Environments: IaC tools enable repeatable deployments, ensuring that environments are consistently secured no matter where they are deployed.

What to Look for in an Infrastructure as Code Security Tool

Choosing the appropriate IaC tool is essential in order to establish a secure DevSecOps workflow. When checking out the variety of proposed tools, take into account the following features:

  • Real-Time Scanning: some of the best IaC tools should provide real-time scanning to pinpoint and make sure vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your code are addressed before deployment.
  • Compliance Checks: these tools must automatically verify adherence to industry standards and internal security policies.
  • Policy Enforcement: effective IaC tools enable organizations to define and implement security policies that block the deployment of non-compliant code.
  • Static and Dynamic Analysis: an IaC security tool that integrates both static and dynamic analysis and provides a holistic approach. This feature aids teams when identifying issues early during the coding phase and ensures the verification of the infrastructure’s behavior in real time during or after deployment.
  • Comprehensive Reporting and Alerts: it must deliver actionable insights, detailed reports, and alerts to keep security teams aware of potential risks and recommended remediation steps.
  • Auto-Remediation: this functionality enables IaC tools to not just pinpoint vulnerabilities and misconfigurations but also to automatically rectify them. E.g, if the tool identifies an insecure setup, such as overly permissive IAM roles or open ports, it can automatically adjust the IaC template or live infrastructure to rectify the problem in line with established security policies.

Now, let’s dive into our selection of the best IaC Tools for security!

Top 5 IaC Tools for Security

To help you enhance your IaC security, we have created a list of the top five best IaC tools for security.  All of them excel in securing cloud environments by addressing the challenges inherent in infrastructure as code.

Overview: Xygeni is an IaC security platform designed to secure infrastructure throughout the CI/CD pipeline. The tool provides sophisticated real-time capabilities for detecting, preventing, and remedying misconfigurations and policy violations, making it an essential tool for security managers and DevSecOps teams.

It is especially effective in cloud-native environments where infrastructure is provisioned dynamically through code. The platform makes sure that infrastructure remains compliant with industry regulations and internal security standards. In addition to all the features exposed in the above section, Xygeni offers many other functionalities that may be of interest to you. Take a look!

Key Features Xygeni’s IaC Security Tool:

  • Real-Time Policy Enforcement: Xygeni allows organizations to enforce security policies instantly, stopping the deployment of non-compliant infrastructure.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Compliance: The platform regularly scans Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates and active environments to verify adherence to standards.
  • Misconfiguration Prevention: Xygeni identifies and prevents misconfigurations in widely used IaC frameworks such as Terraform and CloudFormation, ensuring secure setups prior to deployment.
  • Drift Detection: The tool automatically identifies configuration drift between IaC templates and live environments, helping maintain alignment with intended security configurations.
  • Seamless CI/CD Integration: Xygeni integrates with CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, GitLab, and CircleCI, ensuring that security checks are automated and integrated into your DevOps workflows.

Additional Benefits:

  • Multi-Cloud Compatibility: Xygeni is designed to operate in multi-cloud settings, supporting AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, making it a perfect fit for organizations utilizing hybrid cloud architectures.
  • In-Depth Reporting: The platform offers extensive, customizable reporting options, enabling security teams to monitor risks, compliance levels, and misconfiguration patterns over time.
  • Scalability: Xygeni’s scalable architecture makes it suitable for both small and large organizations, enabling them to secure their IaC workflows regardless of scale.

Xygeni is the ideal solution for organizations looking to automate security in their DevOps pipeline while maintaining control over compliance and infrastructure integrity.

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Overview: Terraform Cloud is a policy-as-code framework specifically built for use with HashiCorp’s Terraform. It allows organizations to write policies that control how Terraform provisions resources, adding a layer of governance and security to IaC workflows.

Key Features:

  • Policy as Code: Sentinel allows users to define security policies in code, ensuring that every deployment follows organizational security rules.
  • Enforcement Modes: Sentinel provides various policy enforcement modes—advisory, soft mandatory, and hard mandatory—allowing for flexible policy application.
  • CI/CD Pipeline Integration: Sentinel seamlessly integrates with Terraform Cloud’s CI/CD workflows, ensuring that policies are enforced automatically at every phase.
  • Custom Policy Creation: it enables organizations to develop custom policies that cater to their unique security and compliance requirements.

It is an invaluable tool for teams that rely heavily on Terraform for their Infrastructure as Code needs.


Overview: With a focus on simplicity and integration with Aqua’s broader security platform, tfsec provides deep insights into Terraform security.

Key Features:

  • Static Code Analysis: Tfsec performs static analysis of Terraform templates, identifying potential security risks before the infrastructure is deployed.
  • Custom Rules: Users can define custom rules to suit their specific security and compliance requirements.
  • Integration with CI Tools: Tfsec integrates with popular CI tools like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, and CircleCI, enabling automated security checks during the development process.
  • Comprehensive Output: The tool generates detailed reports that provide actionable recommendations for addressing identified issues.

Tfsec’s tight integration with Terraform and Aqua Security’s broader suite makes it a powerful tool for those relying heavily on Terraform in their IaC strategies.



Overview: Snyk IaC is a security tool focused on finding and fixing vulnerabilities in infrastructure code. Snyk is well-known for its developer-friendly approach, and its IaC offering follows suit with features tailored for modern DevSecOps practices.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Vulnerability Detection: Snyk IaC continuously scans for vulnerabilities in infrastructure code, offering real-time feedback to developers.
  • IDE Integration: Snyk integrates directly with popular development environments, allowing developers to identify security issues as they write code.
  • Actionable Fixes: Snyk provides actionable, developer-friendly remediation guidance, helping teams quickly resolve issues.
  • Policy Controls: Snyk enables organizations to define security policies that are enforced across the IaC lifecycle, ensuring compliance and security at every stage.

Snyk’s focus on developer-centric security makes it an excellent tool for organizations looking to integrate security directly into their development workflows.


Overview: KICS is designed to identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and compliance issues in Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Key Features:

  • Multi-Framework Support: the tool supports a wide array of IaC frameworks, such as Terraform, Kubernetes, CloudFormation, and Ansible, allowing for thorough scanning across diverse environments.
  • Extensive Query Library: KICS includes over 2,000 pre-built queries that address various security concerns, including misconfigurations, policy violations, and compliance checks. These queries are regularly updated to tackle the newest threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Custom Query Creation: The tool allows users to write their custom queries to meet specific security and compliance needs, providing flexibility in how security checks are applied to unique IaC environments.
  • Detailed Reporting: The platform provides detailed reports and alerts on vulnerabilities, offering remediation guidance that helps developers quickly fix issues before deployment.

Its extensive support for multiple frameworks and customizable query library makes it suitable for both small teams and large organizations with complex infrastructures.

Secure your code for the future – Implement an IaC Security Tool 

IaC is an integral part of cloud operations, so securing these code-defined environments is very very important. As we have already mentioned, IaC tools provide essential capabilities for preventing misconfigurations, ensuring compliance, and protecting against vulnerabilities. In this article, we have seen some of the best IaC tools for security available on the market, tools like Terraform, Kics, Snyk, Aqua, and Xygeni. We have seen that each tool offers unique features that cater to different security needs. Select the most convenient for your organization!

However, it is easy to see how Xygeni stands out. By offering real-time detection, policy enforcement, and compliance monitoring, it crowns itself as one of the best IaC tools for security. For FDevSecOps teams that want to secure properly their IaC environments, Xygeni delivers an exceptional level of automation and integration across cloud-native infrastructures.

Incorporate one of these tools into your security strategy, and make sure that your IaC deployments remain both agile and secure, reducing risks while upholding compliance. We invite you to explore the Xygeni platform to experience how it can enhance your approach to IaC security.

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