
Discover and catalogue all artefacts, resources, and dependencies by their security posture.

Mastering SDLC Complexity with Precision

The Xygeni SDLC Inventory is an innovative product designed to bring order to the chaos of modern SDLCs. It serves as the central nervous system of your software development process, providing complete visibility and control over every asset within your Software Supply Chain. 

Comprehensive Asset Discover

Utilizing cutting-edge automated discovery tools, SDLC Inventory identifies and catalogs every asset across your development pipeline. Every element is tracked and managed precisely, from code repositories to cloud resources and security tools. 

Unified Asset Management

The platform simplifies asset management by providing a single, consolidated view of your entire SDLC. It allows for consistently tracking and managing all software components, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.

Proactive Risk Assessment

Xygeni’s proactive risk assessment capabilities enable organizations to identify and address threats. By integrating risk management directly into the inventory process, Xygeni ensures that each asset is accounted for and evaluated for security risks. 

Dependency Mapping and Analysis

Xygeni’s advanced dependency mapping tools provide clear insights into how assets interact and depend on each other, enabling informed decision-making when changes or updates are necessary. 

Xygeni's SDLC Inventory Capabilities and Functionalities

Automated Discovery and Analysis

Xygeni Inventory is a dynamic tool that scans your entire SDLC environment to identify and catalog every software asset:

  • Comprehensive identification and cataloging of software and DevSecOps assets.
  • Eliminates manual audits; resource-efficient and error-resistant.
  • Seamless integration with existing workflows.
  • Reduces operational overhead significantly.
  • Enhances the accuracy of asset inventories.
  • Facilitates better-informed decisions.
  • Minimizes the risk of security oversights.

Continuous Asset Monitoring

Xygeni tracks changes, updates, and the current status of each asset to maintain an up-to-date view of your asset landscape:

  • Monitors changes, updates, and status for each asset across the entire Software Supply Chain.
  • Alerts stakeholders to modifications and emerging issues.
  • Aids in early detection of vulnerabilities, threats, and anomalies.
  • Narrows the window for potential security breaches.
  • Enhances business agility to respond to threats swiftly.
  • Bolsters overall security and operational continuity.

Dependency Mapping and Visualization

Xygeni generates a clear and interactive representation of how assets are interconnected within the SDLC:

  • Visualizes relationships and dependencies, enhancing team insight.
  • Clarifies the development environment’s structure and hierarchy.
  • Empower teams to foresee the impact of threats or changes on assets.
  • Facilitates superior planning and risk management strategies.
  • Prevents downtime and reduces the risk of cascading failures.

Risk assessment and Prioritization

In combination with the rest of the security products of our suite, Xygeni systematically evaluates the potential security risks associated with each asset:

  • Assigns risk levels considering asset criticality, exposure, CI/CD threats, and vulnerabilities.
  • Prioritizes risks to streamline resource allocation and security efforts.
  • Enable targeting and remediate the most critical vulnerabilities first.
  • Enhances protection of company data and resources.

About SDLC Inventory

Navigating the Complexities of Modern SDLCs

Each phase of modern Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC), from development to testing and deployment, involves a multitude of assets—each with its own lifecycle, dependencies, and potential security risks.

As the velocity of development accelerates, so does the complexity of tracking and securing the myriad of moving parts including compatibility across environments, ever-growing third-party libraries and dependencies and multiple pipelines updating several services.

The Impact of Modern SDLC Challenges on Software Supply Chain Security

The challenges within modern SDLCs have far-reaching impacts on various aspects of security posture, and compliance obligations.

The security implications of a poorly managed SDLC are profound and can compromise the integrity of the entire software infrastructure.

  • Expanding Attack Vectors: Unmanaged assets can introduce unseen vulnerabilities, widening the attack surface for potential exploits.
  • Compromised Integrity: Inconsistencies and the absence of a cohesive security strategy can lead to breaches, endangering the integrity of software products.
  • Proactive Security Measures: Without clear visibility, proactive security measures become harder to implement, leaving reactive approaches as the norm—often too late to thwart threats effectively.


SDLC complexity also complicates compliance with various industry standards and regulatory requirements, which can have significant legal and financial repercussions.

  • Non-Compliance Risks: Struggling to maintain and prove compliance with standards such as SLSA, CIS Benchmarks, or OpenSSF best practices when assets are not fully cataloged and managed.
  • Audit Complications: Difficulties during audits due to inadequate documentation or understanding of the SDLC assets and processes.
  • Penalties and Fines: Potential for incurring penalties, fines, or legal action due to non-compliance or lapses in regulatory requirements.

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