ICT Risk Management and DORA Compliance

ICT Risk Management: The First Pillar of DORA

The digital age has revolutionized the financial sector, bringing unprecedented efficiencies and opportunities. However, it also introduces significant risks, particularly from ICT (Information and Communication Technology) incidents. Consequently, recognizing the need for operational resilience and ICT Risk Management, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Therefore, this regulatory framework aims to set consistent IT security standards across the EU, thereby boosting the financial sector’s resilience against cyber threats and operational disruptions.

Introduction to DORA

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), enacted as Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, is a landmark regulation adopted by the Council of the EU to bolster the digital operational resilience of financial institutions within the EU. Its primary objectives are to:

This regulatory framework binds financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, and investment firms, thereby highlighting the importance of digital operational resilience. Moreover, unlike directives, which set goals for member states to achieve, regulations like DORA are directly applicable, ensuring uniformity across the EU

The Five Pillars of DORA

DORA’s comprehensive approach is built on five key pillars:

In this post, we will focus on the first pillar: DORA ICT Risk Management.

ICT Risk Management: The First Pillar of DORA

ICT Risk Management under DORA is about creating a comprehensive framework that allows financial entities to anticipate, withstand, and recover from ICT-related incidents. This framework involves several key elements:

Resilient IT Systems and Tools

First, maintaining a detailed inventory of all ICT assets, including hardware, software, data, and services, is vital. Xygeni’s inventory tool includes rich metadata, such as creation dates, specific properties, and associated security threats. This enables a deep understanding of each asset’s characteristics and relevance.

Next, categorizing assets based on their importance to the organization’s operations and the potential impact of their compromise helps in effective risk management. Xygeni’s tools assist in this classification by providing comprehensive documentation of all assets, including their configurations and interdependencies.

Furthermore, documentation is crucial for maintaining the security posture. Xygeni supports this by offering thorough documentation capabilities, ensuring all critical information about assets is well-maintained and easily accessible.

Identification and Documentation of Critical Functions and Assets

Maintaining a detailed inventory of all ICT assets, including hardware, software, data, and services, is vital. Xygeni’s inventory tool includes rich metadata, such as creation dates, specific properties, and associated security threats. This enables a deep understanding of each asset’s characteristics and relevance.

Moreover, categorizing assets based on their importance to operations and potential impact aids effective risk management. Furthermore, Xygeni’s tools assist in this classification by providing comprehensive documentation of all assets, including configurations and interdependencies.

Therefore, documentation is crucial for maintaining the security posture. Xygeni supports this by offering thorough documentation capabilities, ensuring all critical information about assets is well-maintained and easily accessible.

Continuous Monitoring and Protection Measures

Real-time monitoring using advanced tools is essential to detect anomalies promptly. Xygeni’s Anomalous Behavior Detection ensures real-time surveillance over the ICT environment for software development, offering comprehensive monitoring of various SDLC assets, systems, and activities.

Additionally, establishing procedures for promptly identifying, reporting, and responding to ICT incidents is necessary. Xygeni supports incident management by providing multi-level monitoring to ensure secure, compliant code progresses through the SDLC, including early detection of security flaws at the developer workstation level and monitoring within CI/CD pipelines.

Moreover, regular vulnerability assessments, penetration tests, and scenario-based exercises help identify and address potential weaknesses. Xygeni helps with Digital Operational Resilience Testing, including secrets leak detection, infrastructure analysis, malicious code detection, and code review. These tools prevent security vulnerabilities in scripts and quickly detect malicious code.

Conclusion on ICT Risk Management

In conclusion, the first pillar of DORA ICT Risk Management is essential for maintaining the security and stability of the financial sector. By implementing resilient IT systems, thoroughly documenting and classifying critical assets, and continuously monitoring for risks, financial entities can build a robust defense against ICT-related incidents. Xygeni’s suite of solutions is designed to support financial entities in achieving compliance with DORA, enhancing their overall digital operational resilience.

Stay tuned for our next post in this series, where we will explore the second pillar of DORA: Incident Management.


What is ICT Risk Management under DORA?

ICT Risk Management under DORA involves creating a framework to anticipate, withstand, and recover from ICT-related incidents, ensuring operational resilience in financial entities.

Why is ICT Risk Management important?

ICT Risk Management is crucial for maintaining the security and stability of financial institutions, protecting against cyber threats, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

How does Xygeni support ICT Risk Management?

Xygeni provides tools for dynamic inventory management, continuous monitoring, and real-time anomaly detection, supporting financial entities in achieving DORA compliance and enhancing digital operational resilience.

What are the key elements of ICT Risk Management?

Key elements include resilient IT systems, identification and documentation of critical functions and assets, continuous monitoring, and protection measures.

What is the significance of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)?

DORA aims to establish consistent IT security standards across the EU, enhancing the resilience of the financial sector against cyber threats and operational disruptions.

When will DORA be fully applicable?

DORA will be fully applicable from 17 January 2025, with a review and report due by 17 January 2028.

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