The State of Software Supply Chain Security in 2023 A Sneak Peek

The Road Ahead: Predictions for SSCS in DevOps

In the dynamic and constantly evolving landscape of software development and delivery, DevOps teams are constantly exploring ways to strengthen their software supply chain security. Organizations must remain vigilant and adaptable to address emerging threats.

Software Supply Chain attacks have been continually growing for the last 2 years. According to surveys like Capterra’s 61% of the subjects reported being attacked in the last year. And in the future, How many organizations will experience an attack? Analysts like Gartner predict that by 2025, 45% of organizations worldwide will have experienced attacks on their software supply chain, a 3x increase from 2021

In 2024, organizations that proactively address emerging challenges and implement robust security measures will enhance the resilience and security of their software supply chain, enabling them to withstand the evolving threats that lie ahead.

Table of Contents

More Sophisticated Supply Chain Attacks 

As organizations invest more in supply chain security, attackers are also evolving their tactics, becoming more sophisticated in their approach. Organized criminal groups will engage in cybercrime, notably cyber-enabled crime, like cyber extortion, online banking scams, and fraudulent gambling. These groups may utilize more mature Cybercrime-as-a-Service (CaaS) offerings, demonstrating less reluctance compared to traditional cyber criminals. Supply chain attacks, such as software tampering, counterfeit components, or vulnerable dependencies, will continue to pose a significant threat. Attackers may target vulnerable points within the supply chain to gain unauthorized access or introduce malicious code. Several factors contribute to this trend.

Organizations are investing heavily in countermeasures to thwart potential attacks. This heightened security posture, while beneficial, also challenges malicious actors to evolve. To bypass these advanced defenses, attackers are likely to devise more intricate and stealthy methods. The proverbial cat-and-mouse game between defenders and attackers ensures a continuous evolution of attack techniques, with each side striving to outdo the other.

New advanced attack techniques will appear because the cyber threat landscape is not static; it’s dynamic and ever-evolving. As cybersecurity researchers uncover and publicize new vulnerabilities and attack vectors, malicious actors quickly adapt, often leveraging these revelations to their advantage. Techniques like living-off-the-land binaries (LoLBins) attacks, where attackers use legitimate system tools to carry out malicious activities, exemplify the innovative methods that are emerging. Such advanced techniques can be particularly challenging to detect and mitigate, given their ability to blend in with legitimate processes.

Furthermore, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in cyber-attacks is a double-edged sword. While these technologies can bolster defense mechanisms, they also offer attackers sophisticated tools to scale and refine their operations. Automated bots can scan vast code repositories for vulnerabilities at lightning speed, while AI-driven malware can adapt in real-time to evade detection. The marriage of AI and automation in the hands of malicious actors can lead to rapid, adaptive, and highly effective attacks, challenging even the most advanced defense systems.

Lack of Supply Chain Visibility

Many organizations need help with obtaining complete visibility into their software supply chain. This lack of visibility refers to the limited knowledge and understanding of the flow of components, dependencies, and processes throughout the supply chain. This makes it challenging to identify and mitigate potential risks or vulnerabilities. 

Lack of visibility hampers the ability to track and monitor software components, making it hard to ensure that every part of the supply chain adheres to security standards and policies. In the event of a security incident, organizations struggle to isolate compromised elements, assess the extent of the breach, and implement appropriate remediation measures. It results in prolonged downtime, increased costs, and prolonged damages.

Without a comprehensive understanding of the usual DevOps team behavior, organizations may fail to identify anomalies and signs of compromise or malicious activity. This delay in detection can allow attackers to gain a foothold and cause further damage before the attack is discovered.

In 2024, organizations will need to invest in tools and processes that provide end-to-end visibility, enabling them to trace and monitor the flow of components throughout the supply chain.

Third-Party Risks Management

Organizations often rely on third-party vendors and suppliers for their software supply chain components. However, this reliance can introduce additional risks. If a vendor experiences a security breach or compromises their supply chain, it can have a cascading effect on downstream organizations. 

Risk management begins with a thorough assessment and due diligence process when selecting external software vendors. Organizations should evaluate potential vendors based on their security practices, track record, reputation, and compliance with industry standards. This assessment helps identify vendors who prioritize security and have robust measures to protect the software supply chain.

Once engaged with external software vendors, organizations should establish clear contractual agreements that outline security requirements and expectations. These agreements should address areas such as data protection, vulnerability management, incident response, and compliance with relevant regulations. By setting these expectations upfront, organizations establish a foundation for a secure software supply chain.

Risk management is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and auditing of external software vendors. Organizations should regularly assess vendors’ security practices, perform vulnerability scans or build integrity tests, and request documentation such as extended SBOM to ensure compliance with agreed-upon security requirements. Regular audits help identify any potential risks or weaknesses that need to be addressed promptly.

Organizations will implement an automated, effective, and comprehensive risk management approach to mitigate third-party risks associated with external software vendors and ensure the integrity of their software ecosystem.

Insider Threats 

Insider threats remain a persistent challenge for the software supply chain. These threats can come from employees, contractors, or other trusted individuals within the organization. Malicious insiders may intentionally introduce vulnerabilities or compromise the integrity of the supply chain in several ways.

Insiders accessing the software supply chain can potentially insert malicious code into the components or applications being distributed. This could involve introducing code that performs unauthorized actions, compromises data confidentiality or integrity, or enables unauthorized access by external attackers. Detecting and preventing the insertion of malicious code requires robust security measures, such as code reviews, vulnerability scanning, and enforcing other secure development practices.

A particular case of this scenario is the backdoor. Insiders, leveraging their knowledge and access, can introduce backdoors during the software development or update process. Once in place, these backdoors can provide attackers, including the insiders, with persistent access to systems, bypassing standard authentication mechanisms. The stealthy nature of backdoors means they can remain undetected for extended periods, giving attackers ample time to exfiltrate data, deploy additional malware, or carry out other malicious activities.

Organizations must implement robust access controls, monitoring systems, and employee awareness programs to mitigate insider threats.

Emerging Technologies

Adopting emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI), introduces new challenges to the software supply chain. Automation and AI technologies have emerged as effective tools for enhancing efficiency, productivity, and security. However, integrating these technologies securely and ensuring their integrity throughout the supply chain will pose significant challenges. AI applications are extensive and useful, although the most immediate applications of AI in software supply chain security are prioritization and remediation.

AI can assign risk scores to identified security flaws by considering a range of factors such as the severity of the vulnerability, its potential for exploitation, the potential impact on the organization, and the business context. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can learn from historical data and adapt its prioritization approach over time. It allows organizations to allocate their resources more effectively, focusing their efforts on addressing the most critical vulnerabilities that pose the highest risk to their software systems.

AI is also expected to provide intelligent remediation recommendations. By analyzing historical data, security best practices, and industry standards, AI can suggest appropriate remediation strategies, such as code changes, configuration updates, or security patches. These recommendations can help development and security teams make informed decisions and take appropriate action to address vulnerabilities.

From a broader perspective, AI-driven approaches can help organizations optimize resource allocation, improve response times, and enhance the overall resilience of their software systems against security threats.

Technological advancements, aligned with the security-by-design and security-by-default trend, may mitigate some of these threats. Adopting zero-trust architectures could help limit the impact of supply chain attacks, by restricting access to sensitive data and resources. The integration of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is set to play a critical role in the future of software supply chain security.

Key Challenges and Predictions for 2024 & conclusion

In 2024, organizations will face the following key challenges in protecting their software supply chains:

  • More Sophisticated Supply Chain Attacks: Attackers will continue to evolve their tactics, using AI-powered tools and leveraging emerging technologies like cloud computing and IoT.
  • Lack of Supply Chain Visibility: Organizations need to gain complete visibility into their software supply chain to identify and mitigate potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Third-Party Risks Management: Organizations should thoroughly assess and vet third-party vendors and suppliers to ensure their security practices align with their own.
  • Insider Threats: Organizations need to implement robust access controls, monitoring systems, and employee awareness programs to mitigate insider threats.
  • Emerging Technologies: Organizations need to integrate emerging technologies securely and ensure their integrity throughout the supply chain.

Organizations that proactively address these challenges and implement robust security measures will be better positioned to withstand the evolving threats to their software supply chains. By investing in visibility, risk management, and emerging technologies, organizations can enhance their resilience and protect their software systems from increasingly sophisticated attacks.

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